
Thursday, 19 December 2019

Informative Speech An Event Planner - 1149 Words

As an event planner it s your job to come up with event ideas that will keep your participants engaged and your clients coming back for more. That means you have to be different and bring unique ideas to the table, ones that haven t already been done hundreds of times before. But exactly how do you go about coming up with unique ideas that will create a buzz and make your event a memorable one? Well, you have to think outside the box versus copying what everyone else is doing. You have to brainstorm, come up with your own unique twists and beta test them with your team before rolling them out. Here are some ideas you can use to add an interactive entertainment value that will make your event one that everyone will remember. Get The Ball Rolling The only way to keep your attendees in a positive frame of mind from the moment they arrive is to eliminate the need for them to wait in long check-in lines. Therefore, if you want to come across as professional and keep your attendees smiling, we highly recommend you use a check-in tool to eliminate long lines or waiting of any kind. Company Branding for Corporate Event Decor Company branding doesn t mean just handing out coasters and koozies with the company logo on it. You have to make the event bold, memorable and contemporary but not trendy. You have to create an immersive experience that has personality. All corporate branding starts with the decor, which should include every touchpoint from start to finish. That meansShow MoreRelatedMy First Year Of My Life1552 Words   |  7 Pageswas from, and I would say China without hesitation. Being adopted was merely a fun fact about me, like the birthmark on my leg; however, at age seventeen, I started working at Farm Fresh and began dual enrollment at Regent University, and these two events caused me to discover that adoption is a permanent and significant part of one’s identity. 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Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Environmental Policy Analysis for Decision Making-Free-Sample

Questions: 1.Explain why the values might be different and which gives rise to the larger Environmental Values. 2.Discount rates can influence the outcome from a benefit Cost analysis. Should a high or low discount rate be used if you are considering a policy that will produce benefits over multiple generation. Answers: 1.There are several methods which are used to study and compare the non-market value of the goods. Out of them the two popular methods are the contingent valuation method, which is popularly known as the CVM method and the other method is the choice modeling. Both of these models are required to check and see the changing environmental aspects around and hence take proper decisions regarding them. Under the CVM method (i.e. the contingent valuation method) the respondents or the consumers are asked for the maximum willingness to pay for the increase and decrease in the quality of the environment around them. The people or the respondents can also be asked or considered having the minimum willingness to accept the compensation for the quality of the environment they live in or dwell in around them. The contingent valuation method is used by a number of people and is used for estimating the value of wide variety of environmental issues and arriving at various estimates. However the contingent method is criticized by a lot of people as it does not help in arriving at the correct estimates about the value of the environmental quality. The next is the choice modeling which is also known as the CM modal and this modal helps in surveying the complex value of the environmental quality. There are various bundles of choice, the values of all differ at various levels and all have different attributes. It is considered as a superior model over the other environmental valuation models(Ritchei Lewis 2013). In this modal rather than maximizing the choices the respondents are made to feel satisfied by the valuation methods. The best choice is seen and it is worked upon so that the consumer or the respondent feels fully satisfied by the choice of the valuation policy. The difference between them is that the CVM method was to estimate and see the maximum willingness to pay by the respondent whereas in the CM method the willingness to accept is seen by the respondents. The respondents are given the choice to accept the program as it is and then pay for the amount which is required or to decline the valuation policy so offered. Hence of the above mentioned grounds the CVM and the CM modals can be differentiated. 2.It is an important thing to know in todays scenario and to decipher that how much of the money one should put in or how much worth it is to put in the world to avoid the disruption of the climate. It is essential to derive at the amount and to value how much the current generation should invest so that the generations to come do not feel the pangs or the problems related to environmental concern. The economists have said that to meet the demand of the future generations and so that they do not feel devoid of any resources one should or the community should discount their todays use. They should use the minimum resources and save them wherever possible. This is known as discounting the resources or discounting or reducing the current consumption so as to meet the future needs. Now, the policies should be made which lead to reducing the current resources and reducing the depletion of the goods in the todays scenario(Loomis Helfand 2006). The generation of today should find alternative uses to the resources which cannot be renewed and hence save the resources for future generations. Discounting the use of resources today, using less of resources which cannot be renewed, and finding alternative methods will help in successful leading a good and happy environment for future generations. The people on the earth use various appliances and things which lead to excess of carbon emissions. The emissions of carbon lead to pollution and hampering the environment which ultimately lead to global warming and increasing the level of pollution. If the policies are formed and implemented which would lead to discounting the current usage of the goods, it will eventually lead to less use of appliances that emit carbon dioxide and hence the emissions and the level of carbon dioxide will decrease in the environment and hence will save the earth from being hampered by the people of the current generations. Hence, if the policies are implemented which will lead to discounting the use of todays resources so as to save the environment for the future generation, it will be a good move to save the environment and hence would have a number of good effects on the earth and human life. Bibliography Loomis, J Helfand, G 2006, Environmental Policy Analysis for Decision Making - Page 157, Wiley Publications, London. Ritchei, J Lewis, J 2013, Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students, 4th edn, Springer 2013, New York.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Research Paper on Zionism Essay Example

Research Paper on Zionism Essay Zionism is a political movement aimed at reunification and revival of Jewish people in their historic homeland, Israel, as well as an ideological concept fundamental for the movement. The ideology of Zionism unites various movement different in their trends, from the left socialites to orthodox religious groups. Before the World War II, Zionism was one of the largest Jewish political movements (along with working-class movement the Bund, which struggled for the culture autonomy). Those college writers who are about to write an interesting and argumentative research paper on the topic have to understand that the word â€Å"Zionism† is derivative from the toponym Zion (from Hebr. ), in addition, Israel is often named as â€Å"Zion’s daughter,† and Jew people as â€Å"Zion’s sons.† Since the Babylonian captivity, Zion has become for the Jewish diaspora a symbol of the lost homeland. In this meaning it is often encountered in religious scripts and secular press. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Zionism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Zionism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Zionism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the second half of the 19th century the toponym semantic was used for the name of a pro-Palestine movement Hovevei Zion. The term itself was coined by one of the earliest Zionism theoretics, the leader of the Ortodox Judaism movement Agudat Yisrael and Yiddishisme Nathan Birnbaum. It was first used in 1890 in the publications of his magazine Selbstemancipacion as a name of the party, which stood for the the return of Jews to Israel though the political activity, as opposed to the purely practical immigration policy by Hovevei Zion. Nevertheless, up to the end of the 19th century, Zionism primarily meant practical activity aimed at the organization of agricultural communities in Israel. The same meaning has been put in the word by Theodor Herzl until The First Zionist Congress, which adopted the so-called Basel program joining political and practical aspects of the movement with the establishment of the World Zionist Organization, which consolidated most Hoveveis of Zion, whet the term received its today meaning. In some sources, Zionism is regarded as a movement of Jewish people national liberation in the context te European national liberation movements of the 19th century. At the same time, the critics of Zionism regard it as a form of racism and racial discrimination. Often the term is mistakenly used for the definition of any Jewish movement of the national trends, for example, the demand for the establishment of the national-cultural autonomy in Crimea, the right for immigration in other countries beside Israel, and even any struggle for the equality of rights for Jews. The term â€Å"Zionism† is also often used by the proponents of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory having antisemitism nature. Zionism as well should not be confused with territorialism, which means the intention of part of Jewish people to establish the state on any territory, while Zionism is an intention to reconstitute the state exactly in Israel. Using free sample research papers on Zionism you may learn a great deal of relevant data on the topic. At EssayLib.com writing service you can get a high-quality custom research paper on Zionism topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details: Enjoy professional research paper writing service!

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

!0 Tips for Excelling at a Job Interview free essay sample

1. Be prepared. Try to find out enough information about the employer, the company and the position you are applying for. Going into an interview not knowing anything will be an unpleasant surprise for you 2. Be on time for the interview. This shows the employer that you are serious, dedicated and you’re punctuality is on point. This will make the employer have more interest in you 3. Make sure that you’re resume is believable an up to date. Include previous experiences in any type of work field.Extreme lies on you’re resume will be obvious and will ruin you’re chances of even getting the job. 4. Show confidence and try not to show signs of nervousness. Proving that you can compose yourself I a well manner under pressure is a great characteristic which will give the employer positive thoughts about you. 5. Don’t act like a know-it-all because no one knows it all. We will write a custom essay sample on !0 Tips for Excelling at a Job Interview or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you act like you know everything, this will make the employer feel like you can cause many conflicts in the workplace.If you don’t know how to answer a question, don’t make things up to sound good; most likely you will sound dumb. Just ask for a clearer explanation on the question and try your best to answer it. 6. When the employer is trying to speak, don’t cut them off. Try using your listening skills more than speaking to make yourself seen attentive and focused. This may be your interview but whatever the interviewer has to say to you is way more important than you blabbering away. 7. Have respect and show manners.Don’t chew gum or any type of food like substance during the interview. That can be very distracting and rude to the interviewer. 8. Refrain from trying to suck up to your interviewer. You don’t know them that well yet, nor do they know you well. Being too extravagant in an interview is never flattering and rather more annoying, pushy and desperate. They will most definitely not think you are the best fit for the job. 9. Keep eye contact with your interviewer to show the connection and interest in what you want to accomplish in the interview.This will also show that you actually care and make the interviewer believe that you are an alert and observant employee. 10. Please be sure to be yourself! Acting like somebody you’re not will get you little to nowhere if you get the job. When you are working, you won’t want to constantly act like something you’re not. To prevent that from happening, from the jump-start, show your true colors and personality. You’ll be surprised, many people will like you more if you be true to yourself.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Communication Styles Research Paper Example

Communication Styles Research Paper Example Communication Styles Paper Communication Styles Paper Great communication styles have a very high level on self-awareness. Understanding communication styles will help you have good impressions on others. What I would like to talk about are the different types of communication and how they apply to my life, career, and education. Everyone may have a different perspective on my topic communication styles but, is very important to know them. Types of Communication Styles There are different types of communication styles. Some common styles are timid, apologetic, empathic, assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, indirect, humorous, intellectual, passionate, vague, clear, provocative, respectful, self-centered, quiet, reserved, loud, truthful, dishonest, unfocused, irrelevant, pessimistic, idealistic, intellectual, and avoidant. The communication styles that I am focusing on are aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. Every adult and child develops a unique communication style. Each style has unique personal and social impacts. Focus on Communication Styles The focus on the different communication styles are how it is communicated to the listeners. Communication styles also have can have an impact on others. Knowing your own communication styles will help you succeed in your life, career, and education. I think recognizing the different styles can help you become a better communicator and also helps build better relationships with others. Experts Knowledge Experts state that if you know and understand your communication style then you will have a better understanding on how others may observe you. Recognizing someone’s communication styles will make them feel we are listening to them and are focusing on their desires. Experts also talk about the meanings of the different communication styles and give great advice on each one. Observing When observing someone we need not to only look at their nonverbal behaviors or kinesics. We need to look at their nonverbal language such as; eye contact, facial expressions, appearance, posture, and proximity. By observing the patient’s body language it will help use better understand their nonverbal behaviors. Aggressive Communication Aggressive communication also known as argumentative, is a method of expressing needs and desires that do not take into account of others. Aggressive communicators are usually hostile, angry, frustrated, and impatient. Argumentative communication is considered constructive because these arguments are content focused versus person focused (Anderson, 1996). Aggressive communicators like to put down others, bossy, violates peoples space, and don’t like to show appreciation. Aggressive communicators try to embarrass others, humiliate others, makes others depressed, and also make them feel hopelessness. Aggressive communicators are verbally and physically abusive. It’s never good to be an aggressive communicator because it can hurt others. The only time aggressive communication is essential is when a decision has to be made fast, when you know your tight and the fact is crucial or during emergencies. Assertive Communication Assertive communication involves respect for the boundaries of oneself and others. Assertive communication is a desirable form of social communication. Assertive communication is more persuasive or influential than aggressive communication. Assertive communicators express their feelings, know their rights, they control their anger in a mannerly way, they compromise with others, and also have good self-esteem. Assertive style is the one to go for because it’s non-judgmental and also has a positive attitude. Passive Communication Passive communication is a style where they avoid expressing their feelings, protecting their rights, and identifying and meeting their needs. Passive aggressive communicators have very low self-esteem. They believe that they are not worth anything. Passive communicators allow things to build up inside them and are unaware of the buildup. When passive communicators reach their high tolerance they blow up. After they blow up they feel guilt, shame, confusion and return to being passive. College Experience When I started college at Bryant Stratton I was not aware of the different communication styles. With the different ideas on communication styles I will be able to identify my own communication styles. While attending Bryant Stratton I have learned the fundamental concepts of communication styles. I will use the various communication styles as I further along in my education at Bryant Stratton and will communicate more effectively. Career Aspirations When I begin my job in the health care field I know communication styles will be used daily and are very important. Understanding patient’s communication styles will help me be successful when having a conversation with them. I will be able to better understand their needs. Assertive communication is the style that I will use for my career, and education. Communicating assertively will fulfill my career aspirations. It will be useful in interviews, presentations, and also with public speaking. When using assertive communication others will feel comfortable and will have respect for my honesty. Life In my life the need to communicate clearly is immense. Will use communication styles on a daily basis. Knowing the different types of communication and knowing how to approach others will help me be successful. It’s important to remember that I’m not responsible for how others interpret my messages, but it is my responsibility to make sure that I deliver my words as appropriately and clearly as I can. If I want to be understood, I have to understand how to communicate effectively. Conclusion Communication styles will help me understand others. Communication styles can have impact on others. The main points of this paper are the types of communication styles such as aggressive, passive, and assertive and understanding them to succeed in life, career and education. Communication styles will help me be successful in the future. The more experience I have the more successful I will be. Reflection My reflection on writing this paper was helpful in learning the different communication styles. By writing this paper it also helped me learn about the APA formats and how to search for scholarly references in the virtual library. Next time I approach a paper like this it should be a lot easier since I know how to use the virtual library and also APA format.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

The Market Exposure of Three UK Mobile Company Essay

The Market Exposure of Three UK Mobile Company - Essay Example As computed in 2013, the number of registered customers of 3 telecommunication brand across the world is over 23.5 million. Â  There are a number of factors in the internal and external business environment of the telecommunication industry of the United Kingdom which leads to the vulnerability and added costs for the company, Three UK. The changes in the way people use mobile and internet technologies and the development of electronic commerce businesses are seen as opportunities for the telecommunication businesses, including Three UK. Â  Licensing of spectrums is an important business cost incurred by Three UK. The processes of the licensing of frequency bands for the telecommunication operators have high associated costs. The cost of spectrum licensing is the biggest cost incurred by Three UK. The company has to incur the costs of widening the network coverage through more spectrum allocation. For this, the company has set up numerous mobile network towers in various locations in the United Kingdom. For this purpose, either the company has to incur the fixed cost of setting up a new tower or it has to lease these operations to a third party company (Anselin, 2008). In both these cases, Three UK has to invest sufficient amount of money for the ultimate aim of a wider spectrum and network coverage. Also, the company has to continuously ensure that the licensing of frequency bands is acquired in an efficient manner so that the benefits of this kind of limited resource for the telecommunication business can be extra cted in the best possible manner.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Dose spirituality have a place in the organisation when a manager is Research Paper

Dose spirituality have a place in the organisation when a manager is tackling issue such as sustainability - Research Paper Example also involves the psychological contract that exists between the employee and the organization for acknowledging the connectivity to the humanity, ecology, community, selfless work, integrity, and care. Fornaciari and Dean (2001) argue that, it has facilitated the linkage to ethics and values in order to allow for the alignment of the organization values in accordance to their philosophical or religious roots. Through this, the managers are able to understand spiritual yearnings of the employees in order to help them in establishing ways for addressing the work of the organization. Mohamed, Wisnieski, Askar and Syed (2004) explains that, it also provides with a deeper allegiance that increases the discretionally effort that in turn fosters the organization sustainability. In the instances of the employee motivation being low, the engagement of the employee to the flourishing of the organizational leads to the profits that are targeted also for the sustainability of the organization. The spirituality in the organization encourages employees to flourish thus leading to a good organizational performance improvement, thus the spiritual initiatives tend to have the influence on the financial return. Foundation for workplace spirituality. (2006). Resources: Organizational spirituality – away with the fairies. Retrieved on 9 march 2012 from

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Depend on the information that will given Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Depend on the information that will given - Essay Example A lot of different countries all over the world tried school uniform but later on were forced to abolish it due to the liberalization of the society. In the United States, the policy of mandatory school uniform started in the end of 1980s and it was aimed at decreasing gang formation and bullying (Han 1). Hence, according to Guerino et al., national reports indicate significant negative tendency in behavior of students that are prone to display violence and abuse (2). Currently, facing the question of imposing uniform on their children, many parents have rather polysemantic opinion about it despite the fact that they used to wear uniform themselves in early school years. Majority of parents do not prefer the idea of egalitarianism, some people do not like the design or comfort of the concrete uniform, and others on the contrary view the uniform as a solution to financial problem. Analyzing all advantages and disadvantages of uniform policy, it is fair to state that there are number o f reasons for approval of mandatory unified cloths in educational institutions. Firstly, uniform eliminates social conflicts because children are not encouraged to amaze each other with new trendy cloths and stand out of the crowd. There is no opportunity to judge classmates by their cloth and organize social groups according to the financial status of a child. Secondly, uniform creates conducive school environment and maintains discipline as it is supposed that looking formal helps students feel and behave more professionally. Thirdly, with the help of mandatory uniform policy, it is less complicated to ensure safety within a campus. When everyone is wearing the same attire, any intruder to the territory of a school can be easily identified. In addition to the decrease of social tension, egalitarianism diminishes economic barriers between learners, whose decision-making process regarding what they should wear in the morning is simplified considerably. Moreover, general uniform does not affect family budget in the same rate as diversified wardrobe of the child that is supposed to take place in case there is no mandatory uniform. It is quite obvious that one complete set of uniform costs much cheaper than several attires for a child to alternate with each other. Furthermore, no matter whether uniform is obligatory or not, school’s administration still must control outward appearance of the students and set limitations and basic rules of dress code for not letting children to cross the line of permissibility and decorum. However, in case all students are forced to wear unified cloths, the need to keep an eye on children’s look and provide further restrictions and punishments for not following the rules languishes. Also, a lot of experts consider that wearing uniform develops team building and strengthens school spirit. All these educe pride for educational institution and enhance fellowship between students, who get the same conditions, opportuniti es and treatment. Looking more as integrity than varicolored mass helps unite the collective and foster so-called corporate ethics. Analyzing aesthetics, it should be stressed that not all parents have a good taste therefore frequently children may look inelegantly and even preposterous meanwhile properly sewed uniform is able to liquidate some flaws in person’s appearance. Finally, the most important argument that convinces to stick to the uniform policy is

Friday, 15 November 2019

Applications of Counselling Psychology

Applications of Counselling Psychology Case Study D: Psychodynamic Formulation Pete is a 34 year old male, self-referred to therapy due to his recently developed fear of dogs that is disrupting his work and social life. He also feels distressed by his recent separation from his partner Sarah, which he attributes to job promotions and extra work responsibilities. Pete appears to be consuming large amounts of alcohol on a daily basis and has become solitary in an attempt to manage his feelings of low mood, hopelessness and fear. Based on developmental theories (Freud 1905, Erikson 1950, Bowlby,1969), research suggests that’s individuals are deeply influenced by physical and emotional experiences, as well as the emotional atmosphere they are exposed to in early life (Kegerreis, 2010). Consequently, the most beneficial orientation to help explain and overcome Pete’s obstacles would be from a psychodynamic approach. This is a suitable orientation for this client as it addresses the past influences on Pete’s current fears and anxieties. Further background information, reveals Pete is the youngest of two siblings and has never suffered from phobic episodes or holds history of any previous mental instability. Importantly, Pete recalls parental tension and conflict throughout his childhood up until his parents divorced when he was aged 11 and also expresses a divide between himself and his father caused by family tension, which is still relevant today (See Kalmijn, 2013). Most significantly, Pete recalls a particular memory from his childhood in which he spent a uncomfortable weekend at his father’s home and only gained comfort through spending time with his father’s Alsatian dog. Based on the underlying influence of past events throughout Pete’s childhood, the preferred psychotherapeutic orientation for this client’s clinical formulation would be based on a psychodynamic theoretical perspective. This psychodynamic formulation acknowledges that it is through predisposing factors that Pete may be experiencing an underlying unconscious fear of relationship breakdown. A fear that is precipitated by both conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings that stem from his childhood and are increasing levels of anxieties regarding his relationship breakdown with wife Sarah. It is reasonable to presume that the current trouble between himself and his wife, thought to be caused by extra work responsibilities, has resurfaced these childhood memories consequently triggering his new found phobia of dogs. As this is a completely new phobia it can be suggested that it is actually a displaced fear based on experiences within his past and further perpetuated by memories of his parents failed relationship. Freud (1915) believed that all human behaviour has a significant meaningful and motivated purpose in which anxieties and fears are very often connected with a combination of hidden feelings from the past. Often these feelings from childhood become repressed and proceed to manifest themselves as other negative symptoms in adulthood. Seemingly obscure behaviours, such as Pete’s recently developed fear of dogs, can attempt to be explained by unconscious motivations from which hidden meanings can be interpreted and it is reasonable to presume that the initial fear of which Pete has sort help for was triggered by feelings of anxiety and stress brought on by his increased employability responsibility and the impact this had on his current martial relationship. However, Pete’s fear of dogs is not the leading concern and there appears to be one central pervasive issue underlying the current problems in Pete’s life which can be traced back through his personal history. Re inforced through the use of Malan’s (1995) Triangle of persons as a means of relating transference matters between Client and therapist, it can be observed that Pete possesses a main underlying fear of relationship breakdown which has manifested itself as a displaced fear of dogs, subsequently based on Pete’s childhood memories, lack of relationship with his father and feeling towards him as the main antagonist in his parents failed relationship. Supported by research (Cui Fincham, 2010), it appears that Pete is predisposed to possess such fears due to influential events in his childhood, mainly the breakdown of his parents relationship and the tensions and conflicts this created as a result, further reinforced by his mother’s recalled negative view that â€Å"marriages never work.. they just end in hurt†. In an unconscious attempt to resolve these problems and alleviate symptoms of anxiety Pete has begun utilising the consumption of alcohol in an attempt to remain in control over his life. However this behaviour is in fact maintaining and reinforcing Pete’s problemsand a basic principle of the Psychodynamic model proposes that internal unresolved conflicts derived from early childhood development tend to repeat themselves in adult relationships if not resolved. These maladaptive behaviours are further perpetuating his current problems and increasing Pete’s fear and belief that this relationship b reakdown is out of his control and the past will indefinitely repeat itself. As based on the rationale that an individual’s behaviours and cognitions are influenced by unconscious thought processes and emotions from within the clients past , it is suggested that psychoanalysis would be the most beneficial treatment. The classical technique of psychoanalysis is based on conflict theory (Erikson 1950) and places emphasis on both the past and present with the aim of making the unconscious conscious. It is also widely renowned for its ability to help clients develop insight into the cause of deep-rooted problems that stem from childhood through the exploration and clarification of the clients expressed thoughts and feelings (Compton, 1990).In this way Pete is encouraged to engage in free association and express any thoughts that arise during the session. This allows the therapist to try and reveal the unconscious thoughts and memories possessed by the Pete, in order to make sense of the origins of the problem Throughout the sessions Pete will also be encou raged to engage in transference and transfer feelings he has towards important people in his life, such as his parents onto the therapist as a means of understanding the influential relationships within his life (Freud, 1914). In order to represent the interactions between these elements diagrams shown in Figure 1 an 2 (See Appendices) will be utilised (Malan, 1979,1995). It is generally proposed that Pete would attend around 4 sessions a week in order to provide a setting to explore these unconscious patterns, and try to make sense of them solely concentrated on the achievement of a cathartic experience through analysis. Appendices Figure 1. Triangle of Persons (Malan, 1995) Figure2. Triangle of Conflict (Malan, 1979) References Auld, F., Hyman, M. (1991). Resolution of inner conflict: An introduction to psychoanalytic therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Bowlby J. (1969).Attachment. Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Loss.New York: Basic Books. Compton, A. (1990). Psychoanalytic process. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 59, 585-598. Cui, M., Fincham, F. D. (2010). The differential effects of parental divorce and marital conflict on young adult romantic relationships.Personal Relationships,17(3), 331-343. Erikson, E. H. (1950).Childhood and Society. New York: Norton. Freud, S. (1914), Repeating, Remembering and Working Through, Standard Edition, 12:147-56. Freud, S. (1905).Three essays on the theory of sexuality. Se, 7. Freud, S. (1984a).The unconscious. In A. Richards (Ed.),The Pelican Freud library: Vol. 11. On metapsychology: The theory of psychoanalysis (pp. 159–222). Harmondsworth: Penguin. (Original work published 1915) Kalmijn, M. (2013). Long-term effects of divorce on parent–child relationships: Within-family comparisons of fathers and mothers.European sociological review,29(5), 888-898. Kegerreis, S. (2010).Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Young People: An Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. Malan, D. H. (1979).Individual psychotherapy and the science of psychodynamics. London: Butterworths. Malan,D. H(1995).Individual psychotherapy and the science of psychodynamics(2nd ed). Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

The Manhattan Project :: essays research papers

The Manhattan Project   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nuclear research all started when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and the United States entered into World War II. When the United States realized that Germany attempted to build an atomic bomb, Americans began to concentrate on their research about creating an atomic bomb more heavily. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Manhattan Project, which included a group of top scientists, under General Leslie R. Groves, who worked around the clock to try to develop an atomic bomb within three years (Bondi 493). The Americans and the British combined their efforts to research the development of the bomb and created plants and factories to work in (â€Å"The Atomic Bomb†¦Ã¢â‚¬  257). They created plants for three separate processes: electromagnetic, gaseous diffusion, and thermal diffusion. These plants helped create the plutonium and uranium 235 needed to manufacture the atomic bomb (Gerdes 142). The secrecy of the Manhattan Project was essential in order to develop the atomic bombs to end World War II. The United States and Great Britain kept the development of the atomic bomb a secret (Bondi 493). In order to keep the secret, Groves spread the work out between laboratories so that the people working on the bomb could not figure out they were manufacturing. The members of the Manhattan Project asked the scientists questions about the bomb, and they gave answers back, but they did not know what the responses were for. The project consisted of so many restrictions for the employees in order to keep the secrecy of the project. They could not hold private conversations about the material they were working on because after awhile, people might have been able to put it together and determine that they were creating a bomb. Employees worked on tasks that had nothing to do with what the others around them were doing. Even the officials on the War Production Board remained unaware of the bomb (â€Å"The Atomic Bomb†¦Ã¢â‚¬  258). As with everything, problems occurred during the development process. The plutonium needed for the bombs was only in microscopic sizes, which was very difficult to handle. Plutonium’s properties were unknown, and scientists knew very little about uranium 235. The plants needed to be run by machinery because the materials were â€Å"radioactive, poisonous, violently corrosive, or all three† (Gerdes 143). After scientists studied and became familiar with plutonium and uranium 235, they were able to begin the manufacturing process (Gerdes 91).

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Placement report Essay

N.V. Elmar (Naamloze Vennootschap Electriciteit-Maatschappij Aruba) is in charge of providing electricity in Aruba. Formerly, the company’s name is N.V. ELECTRA founded by Mr. John G. Eman in 1950. After his death, his wife Mrs. F. van der Biest-Eman took over his place and continued the company’s operation. In November 9, 1950, N.V. ELECTRA discusses with Parliament the dealings of providing electricity in Aruba at the public’s interest. Under this discourse, the company had experienced several issues. ELECTRA then becomes a government property after the approving the proposal. Within the proposal, the company specifies itself to be under the control of OGEM N.V. located at the city of Rotterdam, Holland. Its first operation in November 15, 1950, N.V. Elmar has the capacity of 3000 KW with three diesel engines and eventually increased in 1958 buying a power station with a capacity of 15,000 KW. However, in 1982, OGEM experienced bankruptcy and decided to sell its shares of N.V. Elmar to Utilities Aruba N.V. owned by the government. Now, the company proudly states of its financial stability and management under the limits of concession (elmar.aw, 2004). Now, Elmar has a number of 163 employees and approximately 33,000 consumers on the island of Aruba. Island of Aruba   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Serviced by the N.V. Elmar, Aruba is a Carribean island 24 km west coast of Venezuela. Of the three Dutch Islands, Aruba is the smallest having an area of 194 km2 with eight regions, namely, Noord / Tanki Leendert, Oranjestad (West), Oranjestad (East), Paradera, Santa Cruz, Savaneta, Sint Nicolas (North) and Sint Nicolas (South). The official language used is Dutch, particularly in education, mass media and civil service. Another language, is Papiamento, second to English as the main language in the island. The population also speaks of Spanish, a prevalent language in upper grades of primary schools (Elmar, 2006). Role in the Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Because I hold a position in the Human Resources Department, most of my concerns are on employee benefits, recruitment and other employee related issue. Six months in N.V. Elmar has undoubtedly reached my capacity as an employee in the Human Resources Department. Two of their projects for employees, health and wellness program and monetary rewards will be discussed as the main concept of this report. Methodology Research Design   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elmar, like any other company, has major concerns on their employees. To address, this, the company initiated a corporate Health and Wellness program. In this program, the awareness of employees on health related issues and quality of life are substantially relayed. The company has outlined the procedures by giving employees education and promotion on health programs, and orientation and coordination of health assistance. Primarily, it is important to know what the general health status in the island is. Some of the researches made convey of obesity as the primary contributor to life-limiting illnesses in Aruba. The reasons for a high rate in the island are the decreased deprivation of food and a sedentary lifestyle. Aruba is a developed country and in most studies, countries in this state have high incidences of obesity especially on families with lower household income. Often, the quality of food is overlooked wherein buying foods high in calorie and fat is rampant. In a survey conducted in 1991-1992, 67% of the Aruba population is overweight. Moreover, this finding affects both sexes. Next study was conducted in 1995 to 1996 showing the nutritional state of first up to fifth grade overweight. Approximately, 13.4 to 14% of the first graders are overweight and 26.1 to 29.4% of the fifth graders experience obesity. A more recent study in 2004 by Dr. Richard Visser stated that of the 367 children studied, 133 were obese, the number of underweight children is 18, and the remaining 216 were healthy. Significantly, Visser found out that one factor of the growing population concerning obesity in oner population is the unawareness and disregard as a public concern. Hence, attention such treatment and proper education about being obese is insufficient.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Monetary and Non-Monetary rewards are essential for performance improvement of employees. Though we may see that vision, mission, and goals would be enough motivating entities in employee performance, still, these direct costs will provide a meaningful and prosperous stay in the company. In the monetary rewards, as the name implies, more of salary additions are being worked upon while the non-monetary rewards focus on recognizing the employee capability on work and other areas. Elmar Company has an incentives and rewards system, wherein it compensates, reinforces, and encourage enhancement of employee duties. In these types, providing incentives and rewards may focus on team or individual distribution. Moreover, the essentiality of these programs for employee performance, will direct work efforts in advantage to the mission, vision and goals of the company. Incentives and rewards are given to teams, organizations, or individuals in the company that exceed the company’s expectations. Procedures   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elmar company has outlined its goals and objectives in preparing the health and wellness programs. In this way, the company will properly monitor how the program is advancing towards the organization’s benefits. The company’s concern for its employees marks the unity of the two in a system of social relations. Upon noting the principles held by the company in this program, the statement now implies that there is the importance for maintenance, prevention, and promotion of health status of employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The vision of the company in pursuing this project is to develop an advanced and efficient program for the health and wellness of the company. Conceptual perceptions about this vision are: Corporate health and wellness means work with the employees of Elmar. Corporate health and wellness underlines the positive dimensions of health. Corporate health and wellness has to involve different groups, organizations and institutions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Subsequently, the company has marked the strategic and operational objectives for this program. Strategic objectives cover the expected results upon reinforcement of the program while the operational objective sees how the actual procedure must perform on the employees. The following are the strategic objectives: To reduce medical costs and disability costs: many companies have found that they can significantly reduce the cost of employee health care benefits by proactively promoting health, safety and wellness. To reduce absenteeism: numerous studies have found that employee wellness programs can significantly reduce employee absenteeism. To enhance productivity: many studies have linked health risks with reduced employee productivity and have found that healthier workers are more productive. To improve general health and well being. (Corporate Health and Wellness Program, 2006: 12) While these are the operational objectives: Structure and develop corporate health and wellness programs and activities according to priorities established. These programs c.q. activities are directed to the individual employee, Elmar as an organization and the community of Aruba. Establish and reinforce collaborative relations with organizations in the community, government, and NGO’s, related to the development of specific projects in corporate health and wellness. Generate an employee data bank related to the risk factors in health and wellness that can be used to generate assistance, prevention and education programs. Develop educational activities for the employees that can reinforce the actions of promotion in corporate health and wellness. (Corporate Health and Wellness Program, 2006: 12).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To start the program, first, the company must identify which are the employee needs prior to implementing operational objectives. In order to have an appropriate amount of data, the company will have to conduct as survey amongst its employees, invite an organization that will manage the physical examination among employees and facilitate education about eating healthy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The monetary and non-monetary programs will take effect on employee’s performance level. Generally, it enhances the performance to satisfy or exceed the objectives. Examples of Monetary incentives are: Performance awards – monetary incentives that reward employees upon performance that exceeds the expectation of the company. Observation of giving this award is through formal performance ratings of record on the appraisal period. Special act or service awards – one-time awards like lump sum for employees that had done a specific task from performance. Judgment in this kind of award comes from the first line supervisors. Quality Step increases – gives employees faster than normal progression by facilitating stepped rates and a permanent increase in basic pay. Time Off awards – granting employees leave without charging their annual leave. Gain Sharing – a system, wherein both the company and the employee gain improved productivity. In this system, the company measures the productivity of employees, which in turn gives additional income to the company, then, the employees and involved organization will benefit through associated earnings of the company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Non-monetary incentives may be tangible or incentives that have more bases on rewards like trophies, medals, certificates, and plaques. Moreover, this kind of incentive may take an intangible position, for example, if an employee has exceeded the expectation of the company, the organization may include training opportunities and assignment of employees to a more meaningful, challenging, and prestigious kind of work. Even though these incentives may not have much value directly on budget, some studies have shown that this becomes more important as motivating factors for employee performance. The Report SWOT Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SWOT (which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) is a type of management observation on the overall performance of an organization. This method is often used on businesses because results can be easily transformed in other business philosophy like Porter’s five forces. Generally, the SWOT analysis has effect on overall evaluation when one factor has a cited defect or disadvantage. The strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors while the external factors are the opportunities and threats (marketingteacher.com, 2007). Strengths The strengths of the health and wellness program are in aspects of giving educational awareness to employees considering health problems, disease prevention, and health status. Hence, employee performance may increase. Moreover, productivity may increase because of reduced absenteeism, medical insurance policies, and cost effective strategies. The strengths of monetary and non-monetary incentives take effect on employee and company relationship. Employees regard much of their work because of these rewards, which in turn will not only increase productivity but also enhance the quality of products and services as well. In addition, if properly examined, is the preservation and maintenance of employees with exceptional skills and abilities. Weaknesses Apparently, the weaknesses of health and wellness programs are the appropriate participation of employees particularly in health awareness programs. The individual may listen to these lectures but do not apply them in real life. One weakness of incentives is on the monetary rewards. Generally, monetary rewards have the â€Å"amounts† in order to make employee performance more successful and productive. However, some employees may look at incentive as the central mark of their performance rather than cling on the vision and mission of the organization. In addition, not all employees may non-monetary rewards as a moral perspective, because some employees may develop envy among their co-workers if abundantly present in most of the incentive policies. Opportunities A big opportunity for health and wellness program is to widen the controlled areas in health provisions such as insurance policies and discounts on medical services. The company may also generate proper motivation of these programs when medical specialists are very much involved with the program. There should always be continuity with this kind of program because health is a very essential to an individual. In monetary incentives and non-monetary incentives, monitoring units for choosing which of the employees will gain the award should have a regard. In this way, proper evaluation of the programs will provide trust to employees that the awardees deserve. Hence, envy will not have its place in the organization. Threats The health and wellness program should look unto costs prevalently diverse in most health programs like medicines, fees of professionals and other related issues on economic changes in effect to medical facilities. One threat in monetary programs is that there may be possibilities of lost on the best employees if monitoring is not properly achieved. Hence, the probability of giving good services and products may have hindrances. Reflection   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As part of this project, I have noticed the essentiality of the company and employee relationship. Seeing how Elmar valued this social interaction, the severity to serve the company is overwhelming yet incomparable to what I have seen on other organizations. Both the company and its employees are very much interested on the productivity and quality of service. Furthermore, I have seen the social impact of the health and wellness project, as it projects how the society has evolved from a simple unit to a larger unit of the company because it affects the employee performance. Monetary and non-monetary incentives are appropriate sources of motivating employees on the vision and mission of the company but proper attention on the monitoring and evaluation of awardees should be considered, as this could affect trust amongst employees. I think these are apparent objectives after the actual placement: Enhance productivity due to reduced absenteeism and proper well-being. Reduced medical costs because of subsequent education of employees on health related issues. Educational activities for employees in areas like Roll in â€Å"Wit Gele Kruis† for yearly check ups and mini health fair. Monetary Rewards has succeeded in increasing productivity. Non-monetary rewards have increased company commitment among employees. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Questionnaire results were positive, looking at the overall performance of corporate health and wellness programs. This survey will generally help the family to be aware in eating the right food and proper diet to reduce the medical costs. The mini survey has given positive results and future benefits to most employees. On the other hand, monetary and non-monetary incentives will help in motivating employees of their performance level and commitment to the company. There is also a great probability of preserving and acquiring employees with exceptional talents and skills. Bibliography N.V. Elmar. â€Å"About Us.† 2004 29 January 2008 SWOT Analysis. 29 January 2008

Friday, 8 November 2019

Burmese Python Snake Facts

Burmese Python Snake Facts The Burmese python (Python bivittatus) is the third-largest species of snake in the world. Although native to tropical southern Asia, the beautifully patterned, docile snakes are popular throughout the world as pets. Fast Facts: Burmese Python Scientific Name: Python bivittatusCommon Name: Burmese pythonBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 12 feetWeight: 15-165 poundsDiet: CarnivoreLifespan: 20 yearsHabitat: Tropical rainforests of southern Asia; invasive in FloridaPopulation: Unknown; rare in the wildConservation Status: Vulnerable Description The wild form of the snake has black-bordered brown blotches on a lighter brown background. Captive-bred species come in other colors and patterns, including albino, green, labyrinth, and granite morphs. Albino Burmese Python. Stuart Dee / Getty Images Wild pythons average 3.7 m (12.2 ft), but specimens exceeding 4 m (13 ft) are not uncommon. Rarely, snakes attain lengths between 5 and 6 meters in length. Females are slightly larger than males, but much thicker and heavier. Recorded weights of mature females range from 14 to 75 kg (30 to 165 lb), while weights of males range from 7 to 15 kg (15 to 33 lb). Dwarf forms of the snake occur in some parts of its range and in captivity. Habitat and Distribution Burmese pythons live in tropical regions of southern Asia, always near a permanent source of water. While they are excellent climbers with prehensile tails, they may be found in grasslands and marshes as well as woodlands and jungles. The species is invasive in the southeastern United States. Burmese python range in Asia. Termininja   Diet Like other terrestrial snakes, burmese pythons are carnivores that feed mainly on mammals and birds. The snake is a constrictor that captures and kills prey by biting it and holding it with its rear-pointing teeth, wrapping its coils around prey, contracting its muscles, and suffocating the animal. Prey size depends on snake size. A young python may eat rodents, while a mature specimen can take livestock, adult deer, and alligators. Burmese pythons dont hunt humans, but they have caused some deaths. Burmese pythons adapt their physiology to prey availability. The snakes are opportunistic and will eat whenever prey is offered. Obesity is common in captive specimens. When fasting, the snake has a normal heart volume, reduced stomach volume and acidity, and reduced intestinal mass. Once prey is ingested, the ventricle of the snakes heart increases 40% in mass to aid digestion, its intestines gain mass, and its stomach enlarges and produces more acid. The Burmese python is an apex predator that doesnt face many threats by other animals. Hatchlings may be preyed upon by birds of prey and other carnivores. In Florida, Burmese pythons, depending on their size, may be preyed upon by alligators and crocodiles. Behavior Burmese pythons are primarily nocturnal. Younger, smaller snakes are equally comfortable in trees or on the ground, while larger, more massive snakes prefer the rainforest floor. Most of the snakes time is spent hidden in underbrush. The snakes can stay underwater up to 30 minutes and are excellent swimmers. In cold weather, the snake may brumate in a tree. Brumation is a period of motionlessness and low metabolism, but it isnt the same as true hibernation. Reproduction and Offspring Mating occurs in early spring. Females lay clutch of 12 to 36 eggs in March or April. They incubate the eggs until they hatch by wrapping around them and twitching their muscles to release heat. The female leaves the eggs once they hatch. A hatchling uses its egg tooth to break free of its shell and may remain with the egg until after molting before venturing out to hunt. Burmese pythons live about 20 years. There is evidence Burmese pythons, unlike most reptiles, can reproduce asexually via parthenogenesis. One captive female, isolated from males, produced viable eggs for five years. A genetic analysis confirmed the offspring were genetically identical to their mother. Conservation Status The IUCN lists the Burmese python as vulnerable within its range. All of the large pythons face challenges because they are killed to make leather, used in folk medicine, eaten as food, and captured for the pet trade. To a lesser extent, habitat destruction affects the snakes, too. While the Burmese python occupies a large range, its population has continued to decline. Invasive Species in Florida Meanwhile, the snakes population growth in Florida poses a significant threat to other wildlife. The Burmese python gained a foothold in the United States when Hurricane Andrew destroyed a python breeding facility in 1992. The escaped snakes spread into the Everglades. The release or escape of pet snakes has contributed to the problem. As of 2007, Burmese pythons were found in Mississippi and throughout much of Florida. Where the snakes are well-established, populations of foxes, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, white-tailed deer, panthers, coyotes, and birds are seriously depressed or have disappeared. Pythons compete with the American alligator and also prey upon it. Pets and livestock in affected regions are at risk, as well. Florida sponsors hunting contests; regulates the importation, breeding, and sale of reptiles; and works to raise public awareness of invasive species. However, Burmese pythons remain a problem in the southeastern United States. Sources Campden-Main SM.  A Field Guide to the Snakes of South Vietnam. Washington, District of Columbia. pp. 8-9, 1970.Mazzotti, F. J., Rochford, M., Vinci, J., Jeffery, B. M., Eckles, J. K., Dove, C., Sommers, K. P. Implications of the 2013 Python Challenge ® for Ecology and Management of Python molorus bivittatus (Burmese python) in Florida.  Southeastern Naturalist,  15(sp8), 63-74, 2016.Stuart, B.; Nguyen, T.Q.; Thy, N.; Grismer, L.; Chan-Ard, T.; Iskandar, D.; Golynsky, E. Lau, M.W.N. Python bivittatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2012: e.T193451A2237271. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T193451A2237271.enWalters, T. M., Mazzotti, F. J., Fitz, H. C. Habitat Selection by the Invasive Species Burmese Python in Southern Florida.  Journal of Herpetology,  50(1), 50-56, 2016.Van Mierop, LHS and S.M. Barnard. Observations on the reproduction of Python molurus bivittatus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Boidae). Journal of Herpetology. 10: 333–340, 1976. doi:10.23 07/1563071

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

A. Needle Exchange Controversy Essays - Drug Culture, Prevention

A. Needle Exchange Controversy Essays - Drug Culture, Prevention A. Needle Exchange Controversy Needle Exchange Programs: The Best Solution? [emailprotected] The United States of America has been contending with adverse social and economic effects of the drug abuse, namely of heroin, since the foundation of this country. Our initial attempt to outlaw heroin with the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 resulted in the U.S. having the worst heroin problem in the world (Tooley 540). Although the legislative actions regarding heroin hitherto produced ominous results that rarely affected any individuals other than the addict and his or her family, the late twentieth century brings rise to the ever-infringing AIDS epidemic in conjunction with heroin abuse. The distribution of clean needles to intravenous (IV) drug users is being encouraged in an attempt to prevent the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from sharing contaminated needles (Glantz 1077). It is the contention of this paper to advocate the establishment and support of needle exchange programs for intravenous drug users because such programs reduce the spread of HIV and do n ot cause an increase of drug use. This can be justified simply by examining the towering evidence that undoubtedly supports needle exchange programs and the effectiveness of their main objective to prevent the spread of the HIV. Countries around the world have come to realize that prohibiting the availability of clean needles will not prevent IV drug use; it will only prevent safe IV drug use (Glantz 1078). Understanding that IV drug use is an inescapable aspect of almost every modern society, Europeans have been taking advantage of needle exchange programs in Amsterdam since the early 1980's (Fuller 9). Established in 1988, Spain's first needle exchange program has since been joined by 59 additional programs to advocate the use of clean injection equipment (Menoyo 410) in an attempt to slow the spread of HIV. Several needle exchange programs sponsored by religious organizations in Australia have reported no new HIV infections resulting from needle sharing over the past three years (Fuller 9). Public safety groups in the United States are rapidly beginning to accept the effectiveness of needle exchange programs. The 113 needle exchange programs that are currently operating throughout the United States (Bowdy 26) are a result of this acceptance. These programs for the most part are established to support needle exchange more so than needle distribution (Fuller 10). Many needle exchange programs have been initiated by recovering addicts who understand the realities of addiction and the potential harm of needle sharing (Fuller 9). Perhaps addicts feel more comfortable taking advice from some one whom has been there and knows what they are going through. Social interaction between the addict and program is quite simple. Program clients are asked to donate their old injection equipment in exchange for new materials and identification cards issued by some programs, allowing the users to carry their injection equipment anywhere (Loconte 20), reducing the need to share needles. Vo lunteers keep track of old needles collected and sterile ones given out with a coding system that allows participants to remain anonymous (Green 15). Unlike some of their European counterparts, needle exchange programs in the U.S. do not advocate the use of vending machines to dispense hypodermic needles (Fuller 10). American programs understand the grave importance of regular contact between the addict and caring members of society who inform addicts about various avenues of health care and recovery during each visit (Fuller 10). The assistant director of the Adult Clinical AIDS Program at Boston Medical Center, Jon Fuller, feels that this intimate approach by American programs conveys a powerful message to addicts that their lives and well-being are still valued by the community despite their inability to break the cycle of addictive behavior (10). Addicts who can not stay clean or get admitted into a drug treatment program should be encouraged to take the necessary precautions to perform safe injections and not put others at risk as a result of their habit (Glantz 1078). From 1981 to 1997, drug related HIV cases in the United States rose from 1 to 31 percent not including infants and sexual partners infected by the user (Fuller 9). With contaminated needles infecting 33 Americans with HIV daily (Fuller 11), it was only a matter of time before an in-depth analysis

Sunday, 3 November 2019

International Business Research Assignment Case Study

International Business Research Assignment - Case Study Example However, subsidies, grants and governmental support are not sustainable in the long run. This would only create distortions and would also increase the input costs of manufacturing like cost of power, gas etc. Dependence of an Industry on subsidies, grants and support would only make demand for more support. Globalization calls for augmented interdependence of countries because of their enlarged economic integration via foreign direct investment, joint ventures, trade, migration of immigrants and foreign investment, foreign aid, and international migration of people and ideas. With the eradication of quotas, now, the survival in the international trade markets for countries depends on using the benefits of propinquity from a marketing, design and production point of view and also with an ability to counter the highly volatile market demand. New News about globalization is that the comparative productivity, price, exchange rates, transportation costs and custom duties and or tariffs will continue to affect patterns of sourcing; a new set of factors related to the distribution of products plays an increasingly vital role. Globalization and free trade economy can be termed as synonyms. Globalization is much more than an monetary event. ... ut the limitations of quotas, consumers and manufacturers in one area of the world seek for consumers and manufacturers in another part of the world, and with the international division of labor, greater efficiency can be achieved in catering the market needs and demands. Having better access to overseas suppliers and more sourcing options, companies with established and pliant brands will be able to realize upside potential by taking advantage of outsourcing and partnership opportunities. The ongoing process of evolution in the industry will favor companies with strong brand equity, a loyal group of recurring customers and a proven record in innovation. The economic advantage of integration of free market economies has always been interpreted. Quantitative restrictions / quotas ended under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organization kicked in. Approximately over 150 countries are members of the WTO. Gains of WTO and end of quotas can be seen now because of various bilateral and or regional agreements. These agreements provide a free movement of capital and labor which ultimately promotes competitiveness. The most important result of trade and investment, however, is economic growth, which in turn leads to a better environment. That is true because, as incomes rise, the demand for improved environmental quality also rises. Numerous studies have confirmed that, in practice, trade and investment activities usually have a positive impact on the environment. Criticism on Globalization There are various thoughts on the bilateral and regional trade agreements. One thought views that in a multilateral regime, bilateral trade agreements create trade distortions. The level playing field as envisaged by the WTO is thus distorted. For

Friday, 1 November 2019

Oceanography Chapter 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oceanography Chapter 12 - Essay Example his topic was the relation of the change in sea level to that of the coastline and the fact that it is believed that the coastlines that are present today have not yet achieved an equilibrium with the current sea levels and thus a change in the aforementioned coastlines are still expected when this equilibrium is attained. This could result in driving the coast inland when this happens should the sea levels continue to rise due to global warming (Garrison 356). Another interesting factor are the features that are formed on the coast as a result of the erosive forces that take place such as Sea Cliffs, Sea Waves and Blowholes that occur as a result of the shore being submitted to constant wave battering (Garrison 356). The process of how beaches are formed is another interesting topic in this book in relation to the transportation process of sediment onto the shore by waves (Garrison 364). The various factors that influence the transportation of the sediments have also proved to be an interesting factor with processes such as the longshore drift proving essential in the transportation of these sediment further inward thus improving the size overall size of the coast as a result (Garrison 364). The involvement of the waves as well as the currents show how different parts of nature work together to form the various features that are found on the beach. The change in the character of the shores from erosive to depositional shows the ability of nature to adapt to changing facilities in order to avoid any permanent damage. This is seen as after a while, beaches characteristics change from erosive to depositional in order to prevent any more erosion from taking place (Garrison 360). The material that beaches are made of and the relation to the various processes that form them show how not every beach is similar in nature and will depend on the location and material that is available in that region. A good example is the beaches of Hawaii that contain rare black sand

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Strategic Plan of WalMart Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Plan of WalMart - Case Study Example Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is both a domestic enterprise, as well as a national discount retailer. They operate retail stores domestically in the US and various international markets. Wal-Mart operates on an "Every Day Low Price" philosophy because they are able to maintain their low price structure through complete expense control. With this philosophy they have proven to be extremely profitable domestically. Their primary task is buying from suppliers at a low cost and then reselling the goods to customers at a low price, to achieve their company philosophy of low prices and great customer service (Nelson Lichtenstein, 2006). Being in the retail industry, Wal-Mart can choose from many suppliers that provide its various stores with inventory, general buyers, and competition; including Kmart, Sears, Target, Costco discount stores also the local mom and pop stores in various neighborhoods. Wal-Mart is spread all over the Europe and this chain running successfully. But Wal-Mart in the city of Bentonville facing is some problems. Although it has many strengths but it has been facing many threats. Evaluating Wal-Marts situation in terms of the SWOT Analysis, where we will view where its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in terms of its place in the retail industry. Let’s look at what makes Wal-Mart such a dominant force and would break Wal-marts dominance both here and globally by analyzing its position in terms of the SWOT; let’s start by looking at the first part of the SWOT analysis which is the strength of the company. Strengths The strengths of their existing circulation patterns and linkages are good pedestrian orientation around the square and accessibility from other areas of the city. The buildings on the Square are built up to the sidewalk which enhance the pedestrian character. Several entries into downtown help reduce congestion. Also, the schools downtown are within walking distance of a large number of residential areas and walking to school is an option. The redevelopment of the square has provided a central place for community gatherings. The fountain, the confederate soldier statue, the benches, and traditional street lights add to downtown's identity. The statue is a part of the heritage and culture and has been stated as being "a conversational piece". The square is the center for several community activities, such as the Farmer's Market, Pickin' on the Square, and the Art Walk (Weldon Nicholson, 2006). The Wal-Mart General Office brings thousands of people downtown during the week. The Wal-Mart Visitors Center serves to bring people, (approximately 80,000 annually) especially tourists, downtown. Also, Wal-Mart Shareholder's Week provides an economic surge in the spring. Another economic strength is the presence of public services and facilities. The county and city administration offices, especially the courthouse and Bentonville being the county seat serve to anchor the downtown as a place to conduct business. Also, quasi-public businesses, such as Main Street Bentonville, the Chamber of Commerce and the Bentonville Advertising and Promotion Commission have all selected a downtown location. There are also several personal services that are beneficial to the downtown economy, such as the bank, grocery store, and dry cleaners. They serve area residents as well as the thousands of employees working downtown. Recent development activity has sparked an interest in development and location downtown. Two new brick two and three story buildings at SW A Street and SW 8th Street offer office, retail and residential space. The Bentonville Plaza, just south of the Wal-Mart Genera

Monday, 28 October 2019

The blind side Essay Example for Free

The blind side Essay â€Å"The Blind Side† is based on the remarkable true story of Baltimore Ravens offensive left tackle Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron). Michael grew up in the inner city housing projects with his mother in Memphis, Tennessee aptly named â€Å"Hurt Village†. Michael’s story begins with him being homeless and coming from a broken home with a drug-addicted mother, and an absentee father. Because of his family circumstances, Family Services took control of his life as he was growing up. Unfortunately, he was being bounced around in and out of foster homes, and now as a teenager he has taken it upon himself that he would rather be homeless. By a stroke of luck, and the coach’s wish for a player the size of Michael, he ends up enrolling in a private Christian school where the Tuohy kids go. Michael is a quiet person. He is shown to have a kind of childish personality, because he tries to play with kindergarten children (Rachel St. Gelais) who reject or ignore him. Michael is befriended by S.J. Tuohy (Jae Head), the youngest Tuohy whose connection to Michael starts the ball rolling. One icy winter night, as Michael is walking down the road to the school gym, where he is sleeping, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) with her husband Sean (Tim McGraw) and children Jae and Collins (Lily Collins) pick Michael up and take him home for the night. However, he stays for the next night, which puzzles Sean, although the children accept Michael matter-of-factly. Soon, Leigh Anne offers him a room and bed. As she starts making him greater and greater favours, he comes to research through Michael’s exams, and the only positive feedback that teachers could ever say about him is that he had big protective instincts. Leigh Anne will use that to explain him how to play in the field. Up to that moment, he wasn’t able to get the hang of the game and its rules, and he wasn’t able to understand what his role in the field was. From that moment, Michael starts to play well and be useful to his team. At the traditional Christmas card photograph of that year, Leigh Anne invites him to appear on the photo. Leigh Anne’s friends Beth (Rhoda Griffs), Elaine (Eaddy Mays) and Sherry (Ashley LeConte Campbell) meet regularly at a local expensive restaurant. The friends laugh about Leigh Anne’s â€Å"project in the projects†, but she cuts it off, saying that if they don’t respect what she does, she will stop seeing them. An opportunity arises for Michael to play at  university level. However, he needs his grades to improve, so the Tuohys hire a private tuition teacher, outspoken and kind Miss Sue (Kathy Bates), who will immediately succeed. During their Geography lesson, she makes a stupid remark about some univerity burying the bodies of dead people in their game field, which Michael seems to believe blindly. There comes a momen when Leigh Anne wants to have a face-to-face conversation with Michael’s mother(Adriane Lenox). Although she seems unresponsive in the beginning, the mother finally wishes Michael the best. She says that social services had branded Michael â€Å"a runner†, and she forecasts that Leigh Anne will find one day that he has run away for good without giving any previous notice. Leigh Anne also faces some guys from the projects which had threatened Michael. They are left speechles when she threatens them and is not afraid of them at all. Three universities want Michael. S. J. talks to the coaches, and leads the negotiations on Michael’s behalf. When Michael gets his grades high enough, he must make a decision, and he does. He chooses the university where Sean had played for, and where Leigh Anne was a cheerleader. That causes Investigator Granger (Sharon Morris) to move onto the matter before Michael arrives there. She questions him as though they were holding interrogatory preceding at a police station. She thinks that the Tuohys and Miss Sue are using Michael to benefit that particular university. After thinking and questioning Leigh Ann on the matter, Michael realises that the Tuohys are now his family, and tells Granger that that’s the reason for him to choose that university. The film ends saying that he’ll succeed and become a professional player later on. S. J went out to the gamefield with Michael before all local games.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Sociology Essay -- Sociology Essays

The social growth of the young in different classes A Youth in Poverty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To most, it’s very easy to imagine how it would feel to grow up without much of anything in life. Hell...I can tell you first hand what it feels like to not have a decent pair of shoes or pants without holes in them, or old â€Å"hand-me-down† toys while most of the kids you know have â€Å"state-of-the-art† toys. To many children in this kind of situation, it seems like a very bleak world to live in. No child should ever have to experience this kind of life. However, due to ignorant parents and an even more jacked-up government, there are many children that will always be in this predicament.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now, it would be hard to think of any good coming out of living in such conditions. But just like a many things in this so-called existence, a person would have to look very hard to find the good things. There are, in fact, good things about living in the pits of poverty. For instance, children that are poor tend to appreciate things much more than a child with a more â€Å"privileged† life. When they get new things, they treat those things like intricately wrought gold, or a fine work of art. To them, a brand-new pair of ‘Jordan’ gym shoes or a ’PS2’ seems like pure treasure. Over time, this quality of appreciation will develop continually over the years. They will make responsible choices on things that they will always appreciate. With hope and a prayer, they will be able to pass down this quality to their future generations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another good quality that poor children have is their ability to socialize. When you are poor, you have little room to fear embarrassment. If you’re embarrassed about meeting new people or talking in front of a crowd, they you may as well be embarrassed with everything else in you life of poverty. Being poor is humiliating enough....being scared to talk is nothing compared to that. A kid that has just about nothing in life will hope to make as many new friends as they possibly can. Possibly so that they can fill in the little void they are likely to grow out of having so little. They are very assertive, and will do anything for attention. Jokes, stories, comments, and the sacred art of â€Å"Blazing† or â€Å"Baking† are the tools that poor children will use for socialization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &n... ... many times I wanted to knock a rich kid’s teeth into his brains.....((Ahem...)) They think that since they are rich, they are better that the entire world. When they think this, I wish nothing more than to strangle them with a garden hose and beat them with a wet towel....((Ahem, ahem...)) Everyone it this world should know...that even though they live life on a silver platter, they should remember one thing; when silver is not taken care of properly, it can and will tarnish over time. They may think that they are better than the world, but they will mess their lives up with that arrogant attitude. They can lose friends, family ties, relationships with other loved ones, jobs, schools, and other things of importance. No one is better than the world...no matter how much money they may have, they are only human. Conclusion Time: The â€Å"glorious† life ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Because when a person wakes up from the fantasy of having everything they want, they are able to realize that money is nothing more than paper with a dead man’s face on it. The youth should know that there is more to life than wealth. Look hard, and they will be able to find what I’m talking about.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Chapter 11 Problems

I. Payback period computation; even cash flows Compute the payback period for each of the following two separate investments (round the payback period to two decimals): 1. A new operating system for an existing machine is expected to cost $260,000 and have a useful life of five years. The system yields an incremental after-tax income of $75,000 each year after deducting its straight-line depreciation. The predicted salvage value of the system is $10,000. Payback period=Cost of investment/ Annual net cash flow =$260,000/ $125,000 =2. 08 years Annual depreciation= $260,000 -$10,000 / 5 = $50,000 Annual after tax income $75,000 Depreciation 50,000 Annual net cash flow$125,000 2. A machine costs $190,000, has a $10,000 salvage value, is expected to last nine years, and will generate an after-tax income of $30,000 per year after straight-line depreciation. Payback period=Cost of investment/ Annual net cash flow =$190,000/ $50,000 =3. 8 years Annual depreciation= $190,000 -$10,000 / 9 = $2 0,000 Annual after tax income $30,000 + Depreciation 20,000 Annual net cash flow$50,000 II. Payback period computation; uneven cash flows Wenro Company is considering the purchase of an asset for $90,000. It is expected to produce the following net cash flows.The cash flows occur evenly throughout each year. Compute the payback period for this investment. Part of year= Amount paid back in year 4/ Net cash flows in year 4 = $10,000 / $60,000 = 0. 167 Payback period=3 + 0. 167 = 3. 1367 years = 3yrs 2 mos. III. Accounting Rate of Return A machine costs $500,000 and is expected to yield an after-tax net income of $15,000 each year. Management predicts this machine has a 10-year service life and a $100,000 salvage value, and it uses straight-line depreciation. Compute this machine’s accounting rate of return. Average investment=$500,000 + $100,000 / 2 $300,000 Accounting rate of return=$15,000 / $300,000 = 5% IV. Computing Net Present Value K2B Company is considering the purchase of equipment that would allow the company to add a new product to its line. The equipment is expected to cost $240,000 with a 12-year life and no salvage value. It will be depreciated on a straight-line basis. The company expects to sell 96,000 units of the equipment’s product each year. The expected annual income related to this equipment follows. K2B concludes that the investment must earn at least an 8% return. Compute the net present value of this investment. Round the net present value to the nearest dollar. ) Net cash flows from net income 1. Payback period=$240,000 / $44,500 = 5. 39 years 2. Accounting rate of return=$24,500 / $120,000 = 20. 42% V. Net Present Value Interstate Manufacturing is considering either replacing one of its old machines with a new machine or having the old machine overhauled. Information about the two alternatives follows. Management requires a 10% rate of return on its investments. Alternative 1: Keep the old machine and have it overhauled. If the old machine is overhauled, it will be kept for another five years and then sold for its salvage value. 1.Determine the net present value of alternative 1. Keep the old machine and have it overhauled Alternative 2: Sell the old machine and buy a new one. The new machine is more efficient and will yield substantial operating cost savings with more products being produced and sold. 2. Determine the net present value of alternative 2. Sell the old machine and buy a new one 3. Which alternative do you recommend that management select? Explain. Interstate should keep the old machine and overhaul it. The cost savings and additional revenue generated on the new machine are not enough to overcome the high initial cost of the new machine.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Regional Integration Essay

The Pacific Forum region seeks a region of peace, harmony security, and economic prosperity. The diversity of its peoples seek value, honor in their cultures. The Pacific Region’s objectives include obtaining respect for its governance, sustainable management of its resources and its democratic values. The partnerships with their neighbors, to improve communications and secure a sustainable economy for all are the primary objectives for its members. Established in Bangkok, Thailand on August 8, 1967 the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) was founded by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. ASEAN is now comprised of 10 members including Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (ASEAN, 2013). An important and landmark agreement that ASEAN entered into was the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. The region in which the ASEAN- China Free Trade Agreement will reach is about 1. 9 billion people. This agreement will surely test not only the members of ASEAN, but China as well. The region in which the ASEAN- China Free Trade Agreement will reach is about 1. 9 billion people. This agreement will surely test not only the members of ASEAN, but China as well (ASEAN, 2013). Positive Influence of the Asean-China Free Trade Agreement January 10, 2010 marked a ten year negotiation with China, when the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area Agreement became effective. Tariff reductions between China and six ASEAN members Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, will experience more than a 90 percent of products with a drop to near zero in both parties’ tariffs. The agreement was established with the idea that ASEAN countries’ natural resources and China’s large market would both benefit (Shamsi, 2010). Countries like Cambodia and Laos will benefit from the ASEAN-China agreement with zero tariffs on over 7000 goods from China, which will benefit these under developed countries tremendously. Less developed countries especially those with no stock market system will welcome this agreement and benefit greatly (Shamsi, 2010). The ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement is China’s first free trade agreement and the first negotiated agreement ASEAN has been involved in with another country. The importance of this agreement will be seen when ASEAN nations being to use China’s currency Yuan. This can drive China’s Yuan to become a major global trading currency. This agreement is important in the movement for the regional economic environment (Shamsi, 2010). Negative Impact of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement The economic head of ASEAN is Indonesia. The idea of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement is not beneficial to ASEAN countries and should be re-considered. Indonesia has pointed out that the economy of China has recently increased and become powerful in global terms. The exemption from custom duties for Chinese goods ill challenges the local business survival with an influx of less expensive Chinese goods (Shamsi, 2010). Bankruptcy is a real possibility for industrial areas in the small and medium sized zones according to the chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association. The automotive industry in Malaysia is also wary of this agreement in that the impact on local auto industries could be hit hard. The view from many ASEAN members is that the agreement much more benefits China than the ASEAN countries. China in size alone has a large market for domestic consumption and ability to export on a grander scale than that of ASEAN countries (Shamsi, 2010). The overall feelings in most ASEAN countries are that of mixes feelings, but mostly worry concerning the agreement. The population of China with 1. 3 billion people compared to the 600 million combined of ASEAN region is notable differences in terms of markets. The concept that took ten years to come to light, seems that with the changes seen in the economy of China, that the agreement still has the same fruitful benefits initially anticipated (Shamsi, 2010).

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

The Detrimental Effects in Changing the Rent Contr Essays

The Detrimental Effects in Changing the Rent Contr Essays The Detrimental Effects in Changing the Rent Control Act Rent Control-pro The Detrimental Effects in Changing the Rent Control Act In a just society, the ruling authority must decide what is right when allocating wealth to its individual citizens. The same ruling authority does this by intervening with the inner workings of a marketplace to uphold its fundamental values and ideals. The aim of government intervention is to create a just society that will reflect the peoples values. Governing bodies do this by establishing laws that enforce fairness or equity. The Ontario government passed the Rent Control Act in 1975. The law levels the playing field between landlords and tenants. New units are exempt from controls for their first five years after which the controls are put into place. The controls put a ceiling on annual rent increases. Under current law, a landlord may only increase a tenants rent by 2% plus inflation.1 As with all other markets, the housing market is based on supply and demand. If the nature of the market were allowed to take its course, then the price of housing would become unaffordable for most citizens. An unfair situation would be created where power and money would be disproportionately appropriated to land owners. Rent control laws were established by previous governments to protect society and its people from inflated and uncontrollable housing costs. The Harris government now wants to repeal these laws. On June 25 the Minister of Housing, Al Leach, released a policy paper outlining the changes that are to be made to Ontarios rent laws. Conservative legislators plan to pass the proposed Tenant Protection Act in the fall. The omnibus legislation will rescind the Rent Control Act, the Landlord and Tenant Act, the Rental Housing Protection Act, Residents Rights Act, the Land Lease Statute Amendment Act, the Vital Services Act.2 The most objectionable change allows the act to lift controls off vacant units. The 3.2 million renters in Ontario are very concerned about the changes.3 The housing ministry will accept written submissions from the public until August 30. Public hearings are also planned in hope that they will ease the transition. However, most people are indignant towards the idea. Changing the rent control laws would be detrimental to society as they threaten citizens positive right to affordable housing, harm their mobility rights and increase the gap between the rich and the poor. The proposed Tenant Protection Act assaults peoples right to affordable housing. If people are to adhere to a basic standard of living, then the cost of their homes must be affordable. But what exactly is affordable? The Ministry of Housing released a report stating that 70,000 Toronto house holds (20% of the citys population) do not have affordable housing. The report explains that a tenants' housing is unaffordable if they are paying more than a quarter of their gross income in rent. This is an alarming thought since some renters are paying 70-80% of their gross income in rent.4 The problem of high housing costs is combated by rent control to allow people a minimum quality of life. Housing like medical care is not normal good or service. It is a basic need. Renters need to buy more than landlords need to sell. If the renter does not get a place to live, he is on the street. If the landlord has no tenant, he just has an empty apartment. In short, there is a mismatch of power in the rental market. The laws of supply and demand are unfairly applied against the buyer. Thus controls came into being precisely because the market does not work. Lifting controls would hurt peoples ability to bear the cost of housing without serious harm. The government justifies this action by arguing that something must be done about Torontos apartment shortage. Because apartments are offered below their market value, they are sold faster new ones can be created. Toronto has a vacancy rate of .8% with only twenty new apartment units built in Metro last year.5 Currently, two thirds of renters move once in five years. Since controls are lifted off vacant apartments, the government believes that after a few years, most apartments will be decontrolled and the supply problem would

Monday, 21 October 2019

Vegetable love Essays

Vegetable love Essays Vegetable love Essay Vegetable love Essay To His Coy Mistress is written in enjambment; this is when the end of the line is not punctuated but flows into the next examples of this are lines 3, 5, 6,7,21 etc. He uses enjambments because it helps to sub stain the argument because it is continuous. He also uses rhyming couplets for the pace and rhythm, this is done for built momentum- it builds the drive of the argument. He also uses definite rhyming couplets effectively to convey his inner feelings: My vegetable love should grow it Vaster that empires and more slow. This shows his love is expanding slowly and innocently over time for his mistress.He uses irregular sentence lengths to create a slower pace of time. Marvell tries to create more time. The poet uses strong stressed words to make them more powerful e.g.: Deserts of vast eternity. This personifies his feeling we see how emotion can grow naturally into something that is immense and powerful. Marvell also expresses the admiration of time running out when he illustrates Timehurrying near. It increases the feeling of anxiety because time is coming closer. In Marvels poem the sentences are very short in length and disjointed through the use of lots of punctuation. As a consequence, the poem seems very broken up and sharp which makes the reader read the poem at a much faster pace. In some ways this speed makes it more excitable which adds to the more lusty aspect of the poem.The mood is at first reckless and jokey it then moves on to being more reflective, serious and considering death. The poem closes with an attitude which is persuasive, pleading, discriminating and eventually triumphant. The first stanza has a fairly regular rhythm but is duller. The more regular, dynamic rhythm of the closing stanza gives us a sense of the poets energetic state of mind. The last line is arresting in that it contains less syllables than those above it. There is an overall regular rhyme scheme of aabbccdd apart from the half rhymes in the second stanza. The words Eternity and Virginity only half-rhyme. The effect of this is to link together in our mind these two ideas.The following words have an impact; He says And your quaint honour turn to dust, and into ashes all my lust, he is recalling the funeral ceremony ashes to ashes, dust to dust. He does not assault these virtues, he says that whatever they mean to her now, they will mean nothing when she is forgotten. In To His Coy Mistress he uses alliteration; long loves and private place. He also uses assonance; youthful hue.Unlike To His Coy Mistress, The Unequal Fetters differs enormously. To His Coy Mistress is a persuasive poem written to a female lover, whereas The Unequal Fetters is written as a warning to women. This poem gives a womens view of love and marriage. Her views are completely different to the ones of To His Coy Mistress in the way that she believes that the fetters between men and women are unequal. Anne Finch has written her poem in four clear verses rather than 3 stanzas. Although both poems start off in the same attitude of romance.In the first verse Anne Finch uses the image of the possibility of time standing still, she says Could we stop the time thats flying. Or recall it when tis past, this means that if time stood still then it would be worth loving. This is the nearly the same image conveyed in the first stanza in To His Coy Mistress about playing the waiting game and if time went on forever, but both poets know that time is quickly disappearing.Then Finch changes her attitude and goes on to say, But since we must lose those graces, which at first your hearts have won what she is trying to say here is that the person has changed since you won their heart and true love, the attraction that was there in the first place has now disappeared. Even though he has now changed her attitude in the poem it is not as sickening as the attitude in the second stanza of To His Coy Mistress. The third verse makes it clear about her feelings of the inequality and shows her anger towards men by writing, Free as Natures first intention was to make us, Ill be found, Nor by subtle Mans invention Yield to be in fetters bound.This means that when a female is born she is born free but then because of men fooling you into there sincere love and into marriage, women are trapped by men. The final verse of The Unequal Fetters she concludes that Marriage does but slightly tie men Whilst close prisoners we remain. She means that women are chained by marriage while men are free and can stretch At the full length of all their chain. The Unequal Fetters refers to the unequal lengths of chain men and women have.Her poem shows how wrongly men treat women just as in To His Coy Mistress. Anne Finch writes her poem in a frank manner whereas Andrew Marvell writes in a sick, perverted and threatening manner. The writer of To His Coy Mistress seems to be quite a selfish writer on the other hand the writer of The Unequal Fetters writes an honest version of her own true feelings. The Unequal Fetters is written in caesura with every other line rhyming which contrasts to To His Coy Mistress which is written in enjambment.