
Thursday, 19 December 2019

Informative Speech An Event Planner - 1149 Words

As an event planner it s your job to come up with event ideas that will keep your participants engaged and your clients coming back for more. That means you have to be different and bring unique ideas to the table, ones that haven t already been done hundreds of times before. But exactly how do you go about coming up with unique ideas that will create a buzz and make your event a memorable one? Well, you have to think outside the box versus copying what everyone else is doing. You have to brainstorm, come up with your own unique twists and beta test them with your team before rolling them out. Here are some ideas you can use to add an interactive entertainment value that will make your event one that everyone will remember. Get The Ball Rolling The only way to keep your attendees in a positive frame of mind from the moment they arrive is to eliminate the need for them to wait in long check-in lines. Therefore, if you want to come across as professional and keep your attendees smiling, we highly recommend you use a check-in tool to eliminate long lines or waiting of any kind. Company Branding for Corporate Event Decor Company branding doesn t mean just handing out coasters and koozies with the company logo on it. You have to make the event bold, memorable and contemporary but not trendy. You have to create an immersive experience that has personality. All corporate branding starts with the decor, which should include every touchpoint from start to finish. That meansShow MoreRelatedMy First Year Of My Life1552 Words   |  7 Pageswas from, and I would say China without hesitation. Being adopted was merely a fun fact about me, like the birthmark on my leg; however, at age seventeen, I started working at Farm Fresh and began dual enrollment at Regent University, and these two events caused me to discover that adoption is a permanent and significant part of one’s identity. 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Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Environmental Policy Analysis for Decision Making-Free-Sample

Questions: 1.Explain why the values might be different and which gives rise to the larger Environmental Values. 2.Discount rates can influence the outcome from a benefit Cost analysis. Should a high or low discount rate be used if you are considering a policy that will produce benefits over multiple generation. Answers: 1.There are several methods which are used to study and compare the non-market value of the goods. Out of them the two popular methods are the contingent valuation method, which is popularly known as the CVM method and the other method is the choice modeling. Both of these models are required to check and see the changing environmental aspects around and hence take proper decisions regarding them. Under the CVM method (i.e. the contingent valuation method) the respondents or the consumers are asked for the maximum willingness to pay for the increase and decrease in the quality of the environment around them. The people or the respondents can also be asked or considered having the minimum willingness to accept the compensation for the quality of the environment they live in or dwell in around them. The contingent valuation method is used by a number of people and is used for estimating the value of wide variety of environmental issues and arriving at various estimates. However the contingent method is criticized by a lot of people as it does not help in arriving at the correct estimates about the value of the environmental quality. The next is the choice modeling which is also known as the CM modal and this modal helps in surveying the complex value of the environmental quality. There are various bundles of choice, the values of all differ at various levels and all have different attributes. It is considered as a superior model over the other environmental valuation models(Ritchei Lewis 2013). In this modal rather than maximizing the choices the respondents are made to feel satisfied by the valuation methods. The best choice is seen and it is worked upon so that the consumer or the respondent feels fully satisfied by the choice of the valuation policy. The difference between them is that the CVM method was to estimate and see the maximum willingness to pay by the respondent whereas in the CM method the willingness to accept is seen by the respondents. The respondents are given the choice to accept the program as it is and then pay for the amount which is required or to decline the valuation policy so offered. Hence of the above mentioned grounds the CVM and the CM modals can be differentiated. 2.It is an important thing to know in todays scenario and to decipher that how much of the money one should put in or how much worth it is to put in the world to avoid the disruption of the climate. It is essential to derive at the amount and to value how much the current generation should invest so that the generations to come do not feel the pangs or the problems related to environmental concern. The economists have said that to meet the demand of the future generations and so that they do not feel devoid of any resources one should or the community should discount their todays use. They should use the minimum resources and save them wherever possible. This is known as discounting the resources or discounting or reducing the current consumption so as to meet the future needs. Now, the policies should be made which lead to reducing the current resources and reducing the depletion of the goods in the todays scenario(Loomis Helfand 2006). The generation of today should find alternative uses to the resources which cannot be renewed and hence save the resources for future generations. Discounting the use of resources today, using less of resources which cannot be renewed, and finding alternative methods will help in successful leading a good and happy environment for future generations. The people on the earth use various appliances and things which lead to excess of carbon emissions. The emissions of carbon lead to pollution and hampering the environment which ultimately lead to global warming and increasing the level of pollution. If the policies are formed and implemented which would lead to discounting the current usage of the goods, it will eventually lead to less use of appliances that emit carbon dioxide and hence the emissions and the level of carbon dioxide will decrease in the environment and hence will save the earth from being hampered by the people of the current generations. Hence, if the policies are implemented which will lead to discounting the use of todays resources so as to save the environment for the future generation, it will be a good move to save the environment and hence would have a number of good effects on the earth and human life. Bibliography Loomis, J Helfand, G 2006, Environmental Policy Analysis for Decision Making - Page 157, Wiley Publications, London. Ritchei, J Lewis, J 2013, Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students, 4th edn, Springer 2013, New York.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Research Paper on Zionism Essay Example

Research Paper on Zionism Essay Zionism is a political movement aimed at reunification and revival of Jewish people in their historic homeland, Israel, as well as an ideological concept fundamental for the movement. The ideology of Zionism unites various movement different in their trends, from the left socialites to orthodox religious groups. Before the World War II, Zionism was one of the largest Jewish political movements (along with working-class movement the Bund, which struggled for the culture autonomy). Those college writers who are about to write an interesting and argumentative research paper on the topic have to understand that the word â€Å"Zionism† is derivative from the toponym Zion (from Hebr. ), in addition, Israel is often named as â€Å"Zion’s daughter,† and Jew people as â€Å"Zion’s sons.† Since the Babylonian captivity, Zion has become for the Jewish diaspora a symbol of the lost homeland. In this meaning it is often encountered in religious scripts and secular press. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Zionism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Zionism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Zionism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the second half of the 19th century the toponym semantic was used for the name of a pro-Palestine movement Hovevei Zion. The term itself was coined by one of the earliest Zionism theoretics, the leader of the Ortodox Judaism movement Agudat Yisrael and Yiddishisme Nathan Birnbaum. It was first used in 1890 in the publications of his magazine Selbstemancipacion as a name of the party, which stood for the the return of Jews to Israel though the political activity, as opposed to the purely practical immigration policy by Hovevei Zion. Nevertheless, up to the end of the 19th century, Zionism primarily meant practical activity aimed at the organization of agricultural communities in Israel. The same meaning has been put in the word by Theodor Herzl until The First Zionist Congress, which adopted the so-called Basel program joining political and practical aspects of the movement with the establishment of the World Zionist Organization, which consolidated most Hoveveis of Zion, whet the term received its today meaning. In some sources, Zionism is regarded as a movement of Jewish people national liberation in the context te European national liberation movements of the 19th century. At the same time, the critics of Zionism regard it as a form of racism and racial discrimination. Often the term is mistakenly used for the definition of any Jewish movement of the national trends, for example, the demand for the establishment of the national-cultural autonomy in Crimea, the right for immigration in other countries beside Israel, and even any struggle for the equality of rights for Jews. The term â€Å"Zionism† is also often used by the proponents of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory having antisemitism nature. Zionism as well should not be confused with territorialism, which means the intention of part of Jewish people to establish the state on any territory, while Zionism is an intention to reconstitute the state exactly in Israel. Using free sample research papers on Zionism you may learn a great deal of relevant data on the topic. At EssayLib.com writing service you can get a high-quality custom research paper on Zionism topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details: Enjoy professional research paper writing service!